Nadaism is not dead

Do you want to know if a person who passes all the time doing nothing would be able to live a normal and happy life?

... I will not work, I will not engage any activity in the long or even in the medium term - but I'll need help! Please check out the nadaist contract at the bottom of the page

... and there's other pointless investigations ongoing, just take a look to the bar on the right hand side

Saturday, November 03, 2007

A minute of doubt

Finally I left Istanbul and it was not easy of course. I met some very nice people over there and I managed once again to tie a rope from my ankle to another city, a link which made it hard to leave. (Alternatively, as N Kelman puts it, "nowhere is worth going except where we left, and the faster we go the further away from there we get" -another trick of the monster inside.)

In Madrid I got worried because I don't want to stay very long (winter in such a cold place? no way!), however it seemed it was difficult to get a room for such a short period, even worse for a flexible period. And I had this minute of doubt: do I really need to stay in Madrid? should I go elsewhere? but where and why? I just felt I need to be somewhere (anywhere) for a while with no flights in the horizon, no departure date. Much better it would be to stay anywhere for a particular reason. But where and why, anyway?

However it took me less than 24 hours to find a place (maybe it's not perfect but for sure it's good enough) and I removed my worry, I made "lots of space in my mind" and I realised I had been a bit silly during my minute of doubt -since I actually know what to do (and the reasons) if I just stop and think about it. (The places are not so important, if they were I would not wander around so much.)

The day after I was having breakfast with a friend, we were about to leave for the weekend and he had gone to bed late and was tired, he had to pack his bag, was lazy, and the thought of having to do it was painful. He said he knew it would take him 30 seconds since he had to take only the minimum stuff for the weekend, but still, it was painful. I told him maybe he could pay somebody to do it so that he could remove the worry and make "space in his mind". Which was pretty much the same as my moment of doubt.

"Everybody has worries that look exaggerated and idiot to others" -that's only a symptom, a sign that shows how it works inside.

(The post itself looks exaggerated and idiot to me, I wonder why I wrote it! I don't quite recall how this nadaist thing became a kind of (lonely) preaching about these tiny movements of the mind. I'll have to put it upside down.)