Nadaism is not dead

Do you want to know if a person who passes all the time doing nothing would be able to live a normal and happy life?

... I will not work, I will not engage any activity in the long or even in the medium term - but I'll need help! Please check out the nadaist contract at the bottom of the page

... and there's other pointless investigations ongoing, just take a look to the bar on the right hand side

Saturday, June 10, 2006

A bit annoyed today

I wonder why there is not an entity to oppose the croupier, to balance it in a positive way, just to remember in an honest way the good staff about one self?.

It is not the ego; the ego is not constructive, it will always protect itself, it lacks integrity, it is biased by definition.

Which one is it, the croupier or the ego, the one that makes me occupy myself only about myself, about the small world around me?. Is it both?.
(Small world, but of course very important for me; that's the contradiction between "nothing really matters to much" and "satisfaction").

And, by the way, has the thing anything to do with any of this?.

Bah, don't take me seriously, it is just that I'm a bit annoyed today.