Today I'd like to talk about a certain guy, but first...
Funny that I start the post with the statement "Today I'd like to..." if I haven't written for 6 months. And I don't remove the word "Today" but I add this last stament, which is pointless, and instead of removing it, I add this new statement.
This guy I know went to an intensive yoga class (3 hours a day starting at sunrise) for six months with an awesome teacher, one of the best in the scene, and he found the classes were very difficult, the teacher a kind of a sage, and yoga somewhat useful.
At the start, he was trying to seduce one of the students: yoga girls are usually so beatiful. He's clumsy with her, and then he turns around to the city and the touristic vibe, full of women he's actually not interested about, as he realises.
Then he joins a Vedanta (hindu scriptures) class. He finds it unintelligible, on one hand, those abstact concepts which are meant to be sensible, and on the other hand, astrology and superstition. He does not find any one-handed teacher, and decides to study on his own; but then any excuse is good to get out and go for a walk.
Finally he stops going to class altogether and meets an indian who takes him to one of the most sacred pilgrimage centers in the country. He's quite amazed with everything he sees, but does not feel there's much spirituality about it.
... I'll carry on tomorrow, about this guy and his "other way"... and don't know when tomorrow is going to be, but I promise it won't be anything closed to six months.
The spam won't stop... I have had to moderate comments in posts older than 30 days because one of my posts (Apocalispis 2) published on 30-dec-2006 has been targeted by spam robots... today two comments, something about rockefeller resentenencing drugs and dini shoes.
Other way, second language, other language, second way?
Pleased to read you again... commenting your posts is my only chance to practice English writting.
Sounds like a politian? Always saying I bring out something new, but always talking about the same thing.
Very pleased you practice your English.
Please excuse me, I would never compare you with a politician. I was trying to guess who could be that "certain guy" whith his "other way"...
No, this time it's not me!
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