Nadaism is not dead

Do you want to know if a person who passes all the time doing nothing would be able to live a normal and happy life?

... I will not work, I will not engage any activity in the long or even in the medium term - but I'll need help! Please check out the nadaist contract at the bottom of the page

... and there's other pointless investigations ongoing, just take a look to the bar on the right hand side

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Obsession for calm

That's the tittle of my new novel, "La obesiĆ³n por la calma".

("of my new novel", sounds as if I had published already a couple of them and this new one was on its way... but I'm sure you don't get me wrong)

After 2 years and a half, I'm happy about the results, even if I see problems and I would be quite different if I started it over now.

The three posts "Other way" were actually a kind of synopsis (some of you might have guessed it), were a trial I was making, since these days I'm figuring out how to approach the editors. And then, I've realised there's a few people at the other side of this blog, who somehow were waiting for me to post something -awesome! I'm not going to say that I feel guilty (I do!) but I do tell myself I should never stop writing in this place.

My dream: my dream is to get the novel published, and then somebody I don't know goes to the bookshops, buys it, reads it, enjoys, and of course I don't get to know...

However, now I realize that dream becomes true with the blog! Maybe my dream is not so allegoric as it seems, and the "buying" part is important to me. Well, it's true I'd like to make a living out of it, since in my dreams I've figured I'll enjoy more when I spend my days writing, compared to going to the office.

Please everybody please don't wake me up!