Nadaism is not dead

Do you want to know if a person who passes all the time doing nothing would be able to live a normal and happy life?

... I will not work, I will not engage any activity in the long or even in the medium term - but I'll need help! Please check out the nadaist contract at the bottom of the page

... and there's other pointless investigations ongoing, just take a look to the bar on the right hand side

Saturday, May 24, 2008


I have not written for two months, and I sincerely apologize. For somebody who enjoys writting it is so rewarding to have a few readers, even if it is just two or three people who enjoy the reading and check out the blog regularly. I feels so nice. Thank you.

These couple of months I have not written at all, hardly emails to friends. I've been working a lot, had so little free time that I've spent it in an amazing adventure (I'm so much in love, so happy).

There's a few answers that I owe you; I will find the time to think about them. This one is just to tell you I'm still here, that the blog is up and running, and that I really appreciate.