Most of the new hippies are Buddhist. It is not only that they like tankas and Buddha images and a particular kind of clothes (even though those clothes have nothing to do with it, see (1) below). Besides they are interested in meditation and other techniques, and some of them declare openly they are looking for enlightenment. In those gatherings of the hanging dicks, see (2), there's plenty of Buddhist stuff, and for example in Madrid there are a couple of clubs which are really fancy and decorated with Buddhas and praying flags.
Most of the hippies are vegetarian (well that's kind of fancy in general these days) and they don't smoke nor drink nor have drugs (some of them; others go for trance parties...), they follow the principles of Buddhist monks, except for the free sex (there's no way around it; even if there are some famous Buddhist schools in the US who are famously quite tolerant about it, it is difficult to put free sex and Buddhism together).
A friend of mind from Japan explained me she's half Buddhist half Shintoist, and for her Buddhism is a religion about the suffering of life. If you look at it that way, it is strange to see those western people calling themselves Buddhist.
It is as if there were new hippies in Japan dresses kind of gothic who called themselves Catholics and read the bible (better say some books from Japanese authors explaining the ideas of the bible, because the book itself would be too obscure) and made huge parties drinking lots of red wine and having lots of sex because Jesus said love each other as I have loved you. Besides they would come to Europe and visit the churches and be very happy to join during mass and communion. It would be just as weird.